by Satinder | Jan 30, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Poetry Unlimited, Practical Spirituality, Quotable Quotes and Stories, Who Am I?, Zen-Tao Wisdom |
WHAT IS THE INTEGRAL WAY? To study the teachings of the sages and seers; To dissolve all concepts of duality; To pour oneself out in service to others; and To remove all obstacles to understanding through inner cleansing! Practicing unconditional sincerity, humility,...
by Satinder | Jan 29, 2016 | Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
LET’S BE KIND: WE CAN STOP THIS! We are all creatures of habits. And we are told that habits die very hard. Take the word ‘habit’ itself, for example. If we remove ‘h,’ ‘a-bit’ remains and if we remove ‘a,’ ‘bit’ remains. And finally, if we remove ‘b,’ ‘it’...
by Satinder | Jan 24, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
THE WISDOM OF SAGE VĀSIṢṬHA: FOUR GATE-KEEPERS OF LIBERATION[1] O Rama, there are four gatekeepers at the entrance to the Realm of Freedom (Moksa). They are self-control, spirit of enquiry, contentment and good company. The wise seeker should diligently cultivate...
by Satinder | Dec 27, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
Unique Wisdom of Sharnānandjī Mahārāj भारत की पावन भूमि पर ऐसे संत भी हुए हैं…. It so happens that the Nirvāna-divas of Swamiji and Christmas falls on the same day! Once, Swāmījī Sharnānandjī was sitting in a train compartment. A Christian priest also came...
by Satinder | Dec 26, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
NARYANA GURU AND SHIVAGIRI MUTT, VARKALA If you travel in Kerala, you will find Narayana Guru’s statues everywhere. He led a reform movement in Kerala, rejected casteism, and promoted new values of spiritual freedom, humanity, and social equality. Although better...
by Satinder | Nov 28, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
TO KNOW OR TO BE—THAT IS THE QUESTION Perhaps the most succinct spiritual advice ever given to a seeker is just to “BE.” In our day-to-day practical life, however, we are told to “be this” or to “be that.” What does it really mean just to BE? We are also told...
by Satinder | Nov 15, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
ART OF AWAKENING ACCORDING TO GURDJIEFF We live in a state of waking-sleep. ~ Gurdjieff HUMANITY IS ASLEEP George Ivanovich Gurdjieff was an influential early 20th century Russian mystic, philosopher, spiritual teacher, dance teacher, and composer of Armenian and...
by Satinder | Nov 12, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I?
RUNNING AFTER OR RUNNING FROM? Ever since we are born, we are either running after or running from something or the other. This “something” may change over time, but “running” continues unabated and invariably. No matter what goals (material or spiritual) we...
by Satinder | Nov 9, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I?
WHO AM I? The entire creation can be divided into two entities: matter and spirit. Science calls it matter and energy; energy being the subtlest form of matter. Einstein’s E=mc2 is an attempt to express matter in the form of energy. Let’s use the two terms: 1)...
by Satinder | Nov 4, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I?
I Want Enlightenment? When first told to “know the self,” many well-intentioned seekers misconstrue that the self is something that has to fist “known” and then “experienced.” This is also sometimes mistakenly referred to as getting “enlightened” in pop-spirituality....
by Satinder | Nov 4, 2015 | Practical Spirituality, Who Am I?
Lord Rama to Hunumanji? Pleased with Hanumanji’s legendary service, Lord Rama once asked him, “O Hanuman! In what form do you perceive Me?” Hanumanji is reported to have said: दॆहबुध्यातु दासॊहम् मनॊबुध्या त्वदम्शक: आत्मबुध्या त्वमॆवाहम् इतिमॆ निश्चितामति: From the...
by Satinder | Nov 2, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I?
Self-Knowledge and Liberation Just as in the presence of sunlight and space, all actions take place, but both the sunlight and the space remain unaffected by them, even so in the light of the Self, all actions take place while the Self (साक्षी चैतन्य,...
by Satinder | Oct 27, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I?
A Dialog between Maitreyī and Yajñāvalkya [1] Bṙhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad 2.4.1 – 14 The sage Yajñāvalkya had two wives: Maitreyī and Katyayānī. Of these, Maitreyī was conversant with the Knowledge of Brahman, while Katyayānī had an essentially worldly...
by Satinder | Oct 23, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I?
Full and Complete Happiness The pursuit of happiness is the primary driving force and the sole purpose of human existence. In and through all our endeavors, we are all looking for one and only one thing—full and complete happiness. We try to look for happiness by...
by Satinder | Oct 7, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Who Am I? |
THE SELF AS THE SEER AND THE SEEN Imagining the object (the seen) creates the subject (the seer) When the external object is imagined, a seer has been created. If there is no subject, there is no object either: without the father there is no son. It is the subject...
by Satinder | Oct 3, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Who Am I? |
Fundamental Human Problem and its Solution Though everyone wants to be happy, yet we meet lot of sorrow all around. When we objectively examine our experiences in life, we discover that the root cause of all sorrow is self-ignorance—ignorance about the fullness of our...
by Satinder | Sep 25, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Who Am I? |
The Science of Supreme Fulfillment: You are what you are Seeking! We have no record of any rich and famous person making a definitive claim at the end of life that he has achieved the invariable happiness while chasing material goods. But we do have innumerable...
by Satinder | Sep 20, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Who Am I? |
Door of Happiness: तत्त्वमसि The door of true happiness is neither open nor closed. It appears open or closed when looked through the lens of likes and dislikes. Vedānta explains it clearly: In deep sleep, we are not aware of our body, name, fame, status, wealth...
by Satinder | Sep 8, 2015 | Quotable Quotes and Stories, Who Am I?
The Essence of Spirituality Only through much accumulated merit and Divine Grace (Īśvarānugrahād) one develops a yearning to know the truth of the self, world, and God. Without Grace, a person has no taste for things Divine. And through Grace alone...
by Satinder | Sep 1, 2015 | Happiness Inc., Who Am I? |
THE KNOWLEDGE WORTH SACRIFICING EVERYTHING FOR! When Nalanda University was ransacked in c. 1200 CE, two surviving monks managed to salvage the most precious manuscripts from the pillaged library. While ferrying this priceless cargo, water started entering the boat....
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