LET’S BE KIND: WE CAN STOP THIS! We are all creatures of habits. And we are told that habits die very hard. Take the word ‘habit’ itself, for example. If we remove ‘h,’ ‘a-bit’ remains and if we remove ‘a,’ ‘bit’ remains. And finally, if we remove ‘b,’ ‘it’...
भारत की पावन भूमि पर ऐसे संत भी हुए हैं….

भारत की पावन भूमि पर ऐसे संत भी हुए हैं….

Unique Wisdom of Sharnānandjī Mahārāj भारत की पावन भूमि पर ऐसे संत भी हुए हैं…. It so happens that the Nirvāna-divas of Swamiji and Christmas falls on the same day! Once, Swāmījī Sharnānandjī was sitting in a train compartment. A Christian priest also came...
Teachings, In Nut Shell!

Teachings, In Nut Shell!

Lord Rama to Hunumanji? Pleased with Hanumanji’s legendary service, Lord Rama once asked him, “O Hanuman! In what form do you perceive Me?” Hanumanji is reported to have said: दॆहबुध्यातु दासॊहम् मनॊबुध्या त्वदम्शक: आत्मबुध्या त्वमॆवाहम् इतिमॆ निश्चितामति: From the...
Supreme Fulfillment

Supreme Fulfillment

The Science of Supreme Fulfillment: You are what you are Seeking! We have no record of any rich and famous person making a definitive claim at the end of life that he has achieved the invariable happiness while chasing material goods. But we do have innumerable...
The Alpha and Omega of Spirituality

Know Yourself and Be Happy!

Door of Happiness: तत्त्वमसि The door of true happiness is neither open nor closed. It appears open or closed when looked through the lens of likes and dislikes. Vedānta explains it clearly: In deep sleep, we are not aware of our body, name, fame, status, wealth...
Grace All the Way!

Grace All the Way!

The Essence of Spirituality Only through much accumulated merit and Divine Grace (Īśvarānugrahād) one develops a yearning to know the truth of the self, world, and God. Without Grace, a person has no taste for things Divine. And through Grace alone...
Glory of Self-Knowledge

Glory of Self-Knowledge

THE KNOWLEDGE WORTH SACRIFICING EVERYTHING FOR! When Nalanda University was ransacked in c. 1200 CE, two surviving monks managed to salvage the most precious manuscripts from the pillaged library. While ferrying this priceless cargo, water started entering the boat....