Discovering the Truth of our Existence
Welcome to this blog about dis-covering
fulfillment through self-awakening and
selfless service.
Here you will find some musings about the wisdom traditions of the world: teachings of Advaita Vedānta, Buddhist Psychology, Sufism, Zen, and much more. During these pages, we will meet sages such as Veda Vyāsa, Vaśiṣtha, Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Ādi Śhaṅkarācārya, Dogen, Rumi, Hafiz, Ramana Mahaṛshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Swami Sharananadji Maharaj, Swami Akhandanandji, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Paramarthananda, Gurdjieff-Ouspensky, J. Krishnamurti, and many more ancient and modern saints and seers. The Bhagavad Gītā and Upaniṣads will be used as foundational texts of Vedānta for garnering self-knowledge. All faiths, beliefs and philosophies are welcome.
The Context of Vishnu Sahasranama
The Mahabharata in Anusasana Parva 13.135 has the most authoritative version authored by Rishi Veda Vayāsa. Other Puranas such as Padam Purana, Sakandha Purana, and Garuda Purana also have versions of it. Sundar Gutakā has version of it by Guru Gobind Singh ji. Hari...
Who Am I? You ARE That, Always and Forever!
You ARE That, Always and Forever! Your true nature is formless, limitless presence-awareness. It is unborn and eternal.How can that which is formless and limitless be born (or reborn) or subject to any bondage and limitations? Our true nature is presence-awareness. It...
Studying Vedanta: Taking the Correct Standpoint!
Taking the correct standpoint is the most important prerequisite to studying Vedānta. When I approached my Vedānta teacher, Sri Srinivasa Murthy ji of Bangalore, for study, he asked me a simple, yet profound, question: Do you want to be a mantra-vit (knower of the...
Vedanta: The Journey from “Me” to “I”
Vedanta: The Journey from Me to I Vedanta is the science of Self-knowledge (आत्म-ज्ञान) What is Self or Ātmā? The closest meaning of ātmā in English is “Self.” Ātmā: That which deserves to be called the “I.” (अहम् प्रत्यय योग्य:) “I” is the most commonly used pronoun...
The Real Journey is from “Me” to “I”
'Me' to 'I' Perhaps the most often used word in the English language is ‘I.’ We are constantly saying 'I' 'I' all day long, all life long. We rarely pause to think what does this ‘I’ really mean. For the most part, we take it to mean our ‘ego’ or 'psychosomatic...
You are already Whole and Complete!
You are Already Whole and Complete! Everything in the creation unfolds toward wholeness, blossoming into the fullness of being. This seemingly outward stretch is accomplished paradoxically by taking the inward step—by delving deep into the core of one’s being. This is...
Advaita Vedanta: The Science of Reality
Advaita Vedanta: The Science of Reality Vedanta represents the culmination of the wisdom of the Upanishads, the concluding parts of the Vedas. Vedas are the most ancient, key Indian wisdom texts. Advaita literally means not-two (a-dvaita). In essence, Advaita Vedanta...
Turing to Stoicism in the Time of Pandemic[1] If your philosophy doesn’t work in the most dire circumstances, then abandon it now, because it is a Starbucks philosophy. ~Major Thomas Jarrett[2] At the time of this writing (February 20, 2021), more than 2.4 million...
Conversations with a Tree
~ Satinder Dhiman, Ph.D. Ed.D.
January 11, 2013
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