by Satinder | Jul 11, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
VEDĀNTA IN SRIMAD BHĀGAVATAM: [Bhāgavatāmṟutasāra: skandha 6; chapter 16, verses 51-56] [Chatu-Sloki Bhāgavatam: skandha 2, Chapter 9, Verses: 33-36 अहं वै सर्व-भूतानि भूतात्मा भूत-भावनः I शब्द-ब्रह्म परं ब्रह्म ममोभे शाश्वती तनू II 6.16.51 ahaṁ vai sarva-bhūtāni...
by Satinder | Jul 8, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
TURĪYA MANTRA: KEYS TO LIBERATION! The main import of Maṇḍūkya Upaniṣad and Guaḍapāda’s Karikās is to establish the true nature of ātmā, the Self, the Pure Consciousness. It provides the entire methodology (prakriya) to cognize one’s self within...
by Satinder | Jul 2, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
Oneness of the Self with Brahman! In the great epic Ramāyaṇa, we find that Sri Rāma asked Sri Hanumān-ji a question in the assembly: “O Hanuman, what do you think of me in relation to yourself?” Tears were rolling down Hanumanji’s cheeks. Full of devotion and...
by Satinder | Jun 28, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
Self-Realization (Atma-Anubhava): Some Preliminaries By the mysterious operation of the sheer Divine Grace,[1] one comes in contact with the non-dual Vedānta teachings and a realized teacher. Vedānta is not an abstract philosophy but a concrete science of Reality—a...
by Satinder | Jun 27, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
Meditation According to Patānjali Yoga and Advaita Vedānta According to Patānjali, yoga is defined as “stilling the modification of the Mind”: योग: चित्त-वृत्ति निरोध: (yogaḥ citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ): Yoga Sutras 1.2. In Advaita Vedānta, Self-Knowledge...
by Satinder | Jun 21, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
ONE IN MILLION: A LEAF FROM A TRAVEL DIARY! Only a seeker who is ready benefits from the teachings. Otherwise, one may be living with or around the greatest teacher in the world and completely miss it! History and our current experience amply bear out this fact. The...
by Satinder | Jun 19, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
THE MEANS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HIGHEST SELF Praśnopaniṣad (प्रश्नोपनिषद्) consists of six questions asked by six students to the great Seer, Pippalada. At the very outset of his commentary, the Ādī Śaṅkarācārya, points out that this Upaniṣad serves to teach...
by Satinder | Jun 17, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
THE PATH AND THE GOAL! NO FREEDOM WITHOUT SELF-KNOWLEDGE! जन नानक बिन आपा चीन्हे, मिटै न भ्रमकी काई…गुरुबाणी Nanak says: O man, without knowing thyself the darkness of illusion cannot be dispelled. नानकजी कहते हैं: हे मनुष्य, बिना स्वयं को पहचाने भ्रम की...
by Satinder | Jun 13, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
The Goal and Uniqueness of Vedānta-2 In the first essay, we saw that the usual means of objective knowledge such as perception and inference are not appropriate for cognizing or realizing our true Self. It is because the Self, being the very subject, is not available...
by Satinder | Jun 12, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
First 11 verses of ईशोपनिषद् īśopaniṣad in Devanāgarī The Goal and the Uniqueness of Vedānta-1 The purpose of Vedānta is one and only one: To help cognize in oneself by oneself the one unchanging conscious principle—the Universal Witness—which is the real Self...
by Satinder | Jun 12, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
WHAT IS ŚRADDHĀ श्रद्धा ? ‘When the student is ready, the teacher appears!’ In this regard, the Sanskrit word श्रद्धा (śraddhā) is very meaningful: it is made by conjoining two words–śrad (सत्य truth) and dhā (घारण embrace); literally, the ability to embrace or...
by Satinder | Jun 9, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
Lord Krishna Quilling Paper Art work by Shally Dhiman DO NOT WORRY! The message of the Gītā starts with verse eleven of chapter two (BG 2.11) and concludes with verse sixty-six of chapter eighteen (BG 18.66). If we look at the first word of BG 2.11 and the last word...
by Satinder | May 29, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Quotable Quotes and Stories, Who Am I? |
यह सच? या वो सच? Is this True? Or Was that True? In the Indian tradition, the philosopher-king Janaka of Videha is presented as a knower of the Self par excellence. In the great epic, Ramāyaṇa, he figures as the father of Sita-ji. In the Bhagavad Gītā (3.20), Sri...
by Satinder | May 27, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
Developing Right Orientation to Cognize the Truth! Inwardness of spirit, cultivated through self-control and contemplation, enables the student of the scriptures to grasp their subtle meaning, which otherwise remains hidden from the merely intelligent reader. ~Huston...
by Satinder | May 23, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
UN-COVERING AND DIS-COVERING! The real teachings and the teacher of Self-Knowledge do not “give” us anything new or “add” to our knowledge in any way. They only remove the wrong notions we are having about our true nature. When the mistaken...
by Satinder | May 18, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Who Am I? |
SELF-KNOWLEDGE: PATH TO LIBERATION-1 Self-Knowledge means knowing the Truth of one’s own Real Nature (the Self). To know this truth, one does not have to acquire anything new. One has to re-cognize this Truth within oneself as the ever-exiting, ever-present Pure...
by Satinder | May 13, 2016 | Happiness Inc., Practical Spirituality, Quotable Quotes and Stories, Who Am I? |
Learning at the Feet of the Master! Once upon a time, a farmer’s cow fell sick due to some stomach problem. His friends advised him to consult a doctor who used to prescribe natural remedies. The doctor advised the farmer to give the following preparation to the cow...
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