Discovering the Truth of our Existence
Welcome to this blog about dis-covering
fulfillment through self-awakening and
selfless service.
Here you will find some musings about the wisdom traditions of the world: teachings of Advaita Vedānta, Buddhist Psychology, Sufism, Zen, and much more. During these pages, we will meet sages such as Veda Vyāsa, Vaśiṣtha, Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Ādi Śhaṅkarācārya, Dogen, Rumi, Hafiz, Ramana Mahaṛshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Swami Sharananadji Maharaj, Swami Akhandanandji, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Paramarthananda, Gurdjieff-Ouspensky, J. Krishnamurti, and many more ancient and modern saints and seers. The Bhagavad Gītā and Upaniṣads will be used as foundational texts of Vedānta for garnering self-knowledge. All faiths, beliefs and philosophies are welcome.
Rain Bird, Chātak Pakshī, eagerly waiting to quench its thirst with the rain drops of Swāti Nakshatra The holy period of Chaturmaas in 2017 will commence from July 4 and come to an end on October 31. [Literally, four, chatur, months, maas] In most spiritual...
The Wisdom of the Gita-1
The Bhagavad Gītā is an endearing dialog (saṁvād) between two friends—the warrior prince, Arjuna, and the Lord in human form, Śrī Kṛṣṇa. So, if you want to understand the true import of the Gītā, you have to befriend Śrī Kṛṣṇa. There is no room for contention,...
The Central Message of the Gītā
What is the central theme of the Bhagavad Gītā ? There are several ways to approach this question. We present three perspectives as follows: Conjoining the last word of the last verse of the Gītā (18.78) मम (mama) with the first word of the first verse of the...
Who Am I really?
Who Am I?[1] Discerning what is ‘I’ and what is ‘not-I’ (ātmānātma-vicāra) Perhaps the most important question that Vedānta attempts to tackle is Who am I really? Generally, we take ourselves to be a separate and limited body-mind-senses complex. Vedānta says...
Real and Apparently Real
Is your gold ring real? Of course yes. But is it really real? To find out, let's look at it more closely. If we melt the gold ring, what do we get? Gold. Where did the ring go? Well, ring was just a "name" and "form" which got resolved into gold upon melting. If we...
Musings on Life and Living! Kindly find below some quotes, vignettes, and musings to uplift your spirit: [the wisdom-beads belong to others; I have only tried to supply the thread] Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.―...
Our Psychological Sleep! A modern man lives in sleep, in sleep he is born and in sleep he dies." ~Gurdjieff to Ouspenksi in In Search of the Miraculous Grace Notes: It may at first seem a bit harsh assessment of humans; but then how can one explain the wars,...
The Story of Two Ants* Once upon a time, two ants used to live on two different types of ant-hills. One used to live on a hill made of sugar crystals and the other used to live on a hill made of salt crystals. Let/s call them sugar-hill and salt-hill ant. From time to...
Conversations with a Tree
~ Satinder Dhiman, Ph.D. Ed.D.
January 11, 2013
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