Discovering the Truth of our Existence
Welcome to this blog about dis-covering
fulfillment through self-awakening and
selfless service.
Here you will find some musings about the wisdom traditions of the world: teachings of Advaita Vedānta, Buddhist Psychology, Sufism, Zen, and much more. During these pages, we will meet sages such as Veda Vyāsa, Vaśiṣtha, Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Ādi Śhaṅkarācārya, Dogen, Rumi, Hafiz, Ramana Mahaṛshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Swami Sharananadji Maharaj, Swami Akhandanandji, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Paramarthananda, Gurdjieff-Ouspensky, J. Krishnamurti, and many more ancient and modern saints and seers. The Bhagavad Gītā and Upaniṣads will be used as foundational texts of Vedānta for garnering self-knowledge. All faiths, beliefs and philosophies are welcome.
Weathering these Uncertain Times with Stoic Calm
Pointers from the Buddhas of Humanity The tiny wave said it to the mighty Sea, "Can I be like you?" The Sea replied: "It is easy...Just settle down." ~Sri Ramana Maharshi These are uncertain times indeed; perhaps the toughest that humanity has ever experienced before...
Living Eudaimon Life, a la Epictetus
Living Eudaimon Life, according to Epictetus According to Epictetus, our inner life, and nothing else, is truly “up to us.” In the most literal sense, he maintains that there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.[1] As Keith Seddon explains in his...
More than Happiness: Heart of Epictetus’ Teachings
More than Happiness: Heart of Epictetus’ Teachings! If a man is unhappy, remember that his unhappiness is his own fault, for God made all men to be happy. ~Epictetus, Golden Sayings 122 You must begin, then, by purifying your own mind, Epictetus tells us, and adopting...
Understanding Buddhism, Understanding Life!
Understanding Buddhism, Understanding Life! The new comers to Buddhism are rather shocked to read the first of the four ennobling realities of Buddhism--the truth of suffering. Life is suffering? Yes, says Buddhism, the way we normally live. There is more here than...
Who Am I?
Who Am I? “I am” is an obvious fact. “Who am I” is a discovery. How so? Even if we have eyes, we still need a mirror to see our face. Isn't it? Vedānta—the science of truth about our existence—acts as a mirror to reveal “who am I.” It says you are not the limited...
STOIC VIRTUE, EUDAIMŌNIA, AND MAHĀBHĀRATA In this post, we will familiarize ourselves with the art of Stoic virtue, arête, the Greek conception of Eudaimōnia which states that happiness depends upon being virtuous. We will also consider the concluding verses of...
Keys to Supreme Happiness (Ananda)
Keys to Ananda, Supreme Happiness! If you go looking for tranquility, you won’t find it. If your life embodies moral excellence, tranquility comes. If you seek tranquility, says Marcus Aurelius, do less. Santosh Yadav, the great Mountaineer, distinguishes between...
ONE IN MILLIONS! Aldous Huxley once asked J. Krishnamurti, “You have been teaching for over 50 years; and hundreds and thousands of people have attended your lectures. Has anyone really changed?” Krishnamurti became silent. After sometime, Krishnamurti replied,...
Conversations with a Tree
~ Satinder Dhiman, Ph.D. Ed.D.
January 11, 2013
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