Discovering the Truth of our Existence
Happiness Inc.
Happiness is a universal pursuit. The search for happiness motivates all our actions. It will be hard to find any living being who actively strives to be unhappy. And yet when we look around we do not find too many happy people! Could it be that we do not know how to pursue happiness? Or perhaps the very pursuit of it is counter-productive?
The door of true happiness is neither open nor closed. It “appears” open or closed when looked through the lens of likes and dislikes. What is the secret to happiness? Is there way to abiding happiness? Is happiness a skill that can be mastered? Or some are just born that way, with a sort of genetic set-point of happiness?
Once a man approached the Buddha and said, “I want happiness.”
Buddha replied, “First remove ‘I,’ that’s ego; then remove ‘want,’ that’s desire. See now you are left with only ‘Happiness!’”
Buddha paused, and then added, “But if you really want to be happy, make someone else happy.”
Moral of the story: You are the happiness that you are seeking: You are already home. Act for the good of others.
The Alpha and Omega of Spirituality
Self-Knowledge and Liberation Just as in the presence of sunlight and space, all actions take place, but both the sunlight and the space remain unaffected by them, even so in the light of the Self, all actions take place while the Self (साक्षी चैतन्य,...
Evolve and Help Others Evolve!
Evolve and Help Others Evolve! Every being in the creation is passing through a trajectory of physical and psychological evolution. The physical evolution is more or less programmed by nature for all species; it is the psychological/moral/spiritual evolution that...
Profound Wisdom of Sage Yajñāvalkya
A Dialog between Maitreyī and Yajñāvalkya [1] Bṙhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad 2.4.1 - 14 The sage Yajñāvalkya had two wives: Maitreyī and Katyayānī. Of these, Maitreyī was conversant with the Knowledge of Brahman, while Katyayānī had an essentially worldly...
Full and Complete Happiness
Full and Complete Happiness The pursuit of happiness is the primary driving force and the sole purpose of human existence. In and through all our endeavors, we are all looking for one and only one thing—full and complete happiness. We try to look for happiness by...
Why We Shout In Anger?
Why We Shout In Anger? A saint who was visiting holy river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples, smiled, and asked, 'Why do people shout at each other in anger?' Disciples thought...
THE SELF AS THE SEER AND THE SEEN Imagining the object (the seen) creates the subject (the seer) When the external object is imagined, a seer has been created. If there is no subject, there is no object either: without the father there is no son. It is the subject...
Fundamental Human Problem and its Solution
Fundamental Human Problem and its Solution Though everyone wants to be happy, yet we meet lot of sorrow all around. When we objectively examine our experiences in life, we discover that the root cause of all sorrow is self-ignorance—ignorance about the fullness of our...
Supreme Fulfillment
The Science of Supreme Fulfillment: You are what you are Seeking! We have no record of any rich and famous person making a definitive claim at the end of life that he has achieved the invariable happiness while chasing material goods. But we do have innumerable...
Conversations with a Tree
~ Satinder Dhiman, Ph.D. Ed.D.
January 11, 2013
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