Aldous Huxley once asked J. Krishnamurti, “You have been teaching for over 50 years; and hundreds and thousands of people have attended your lectures. Has anyone really changed?”

Krishnamurti became silent. After sometime, Krishnamurti replied, “Perhaps, two or three. Perhaps, not even that!”

So, there we have it! The bar has been set very high, and rightfully so.

This response of Krishnamurti is very much in line with what Śrī Kṛṣṇa tells Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gītā—Thousands try; only rare few arrive:

मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद्यतति सिध्दये।
यततामपि सिध्दानां कश्चिन्मां वेत्ति तत्त्वतः।।७/३।।

manuṣyāṇāṅ sahasrēṣu kaścidyatati sidhdayē.
yatatāmapi sidhdānāṅ kaścinmāṅ vētti tattvataḥ
. // 7/3//

Among thousands of men, a rare one strives for perfection; even among those diligent strivers—of the perfected ones, one perchance come to know and realize Me in My True Essence (tattva).

This may seem to be very unfair to a potential seeker. Why is that only one in millions succeed in this path? Because the task is hard and our capacity for self-delusion is infinite.

Actually, this is said to encourage the seekers so that they keep striving diligently and in a steadfast manner.


Great is the struggle and divine the task.
The prize is a kingdom, freedom,
serenity and peace
~Epictetus, Discourses  2.18.28