Lord Krishna
Quilling Paper Art work by Shally Dhiman
The message of the Gītā starts with verse eleven of chapter two (BG 2.11) and concludes with verse sixty-six of chapter eighteen (BG 18.66).
If we look at the first word of BG 2.11 and the last word of BG 18.66, they tell an interesting tale:
First word of BG 2.11: अशोच्यान् aśocyān: Not worth worrying about…
Last word of BG 18.66: मा शुच mā śucaḥ: (not) worry
Sri Krishna starts the sublime teachings of the Gītā telling Arjuna that you are worrying about people/things/situations “not worth worrying about” (BG 2.11) and concludes his message by stating, “do not worry” (BG 18.66). Why “not worth worrying about?” Because they are transient, perishable, subject to change, impermanent; and, hence, non-real! (aka “entropy,” according to the second law of thermodynamics)
When we identify ourselves with what is fleeting, and changing constantly, we live a life of constant worry. As simple as that!
Throughout the Gītā, the Lord helps us (through Arjuna) to understand what is Real: eternal, changeless, imperishable essence underlying the fleeting phenomenon. When we really understand what is Real, we give up our fascination/association with what is unreal (सर्वधर्मान् परित्यज्य: sarvadharmān parityajya) and take refuge in what is Real (माम् एकं शरणं व्रज mām ekaṃ śaraṇaṃ vraja: BG 18.66).
This is the alpha and omega of the Bhagavad Gītā’s message:
Relinquishing the unreal
Abiding in the Real,
Be worry-free!
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