Yes, we can take certain pride in the progress of humanity over the centuries.  Yes, we have improved the means to communication and comfort. But we are also deeply troubled by the persistent violence, inveterate corruption, grinding poverty, and glaring inequalities.

When a life is untimely lost to illness, poverty, and violence–it is a permanent loss to the universe. It could have become another Shakespeare, Plato, Rumi, Nelsen Mandela, Al-Ghazali, an Einstein, a Mozart, another Mother Teresa or a Gandhi.

Alas, the acorn forever lost the chance to bloom into an oak tree.

Can we be the counter-force to this madness? Yes! We can!

Let’s purify our minds of  self-centredness, greed, anger and hatred that plague our society today.

Abundance, Benevolence, Camaraderie, Charity, Caring, Contentment, Contribution, Diligence, Empathy, Fortitude, Gratitude, Generosity, Honesty, Helpfulness, Humility, Integrity, Justice, Kindness, Love,  Moderation, Nurture, Optimism, Peace, Quietude, Respect, Stillness, Thankfulness, Trust, Unity, Virtue, Wisdom, Zeal—these are some of the common values that lie at the very core of all wisdom traditions and ethical systems.

Let’s re-discover what is common and similar in us rather than only focusing on what is seemingly different. For what is same and similar in us is far greater than what is unique and different.  After all, without any input from us, we all enter and exit pretty much the same way in this life. While we are here so very briefly, we can all chose to live more compassionately, with more caring concern for the well-being of all beings.

The troubled world reflects our troubled minds. When there is peace in our minds, there is peace in the world. Let’s become peaceful warriors [of peace]! Life is too short to learn, live, love, and leave a legacy. Why make it even shorter by inflicting unwarranted suffering on each other?

Let’s all live together like children of the universe, like one big family. Let’s all try to become a Force for Good, a Force for Peace. Let’s all take joy in the joy of others. Let’s build communities that care, create setups that do not upset.

Let’s create a world where we all can live like brothers and sisters, like true friends. Let’s lend a helping hand and uplift each other in this journey called life.

Let’s be kind to all living beings.

Only then we will be able to redeem our existence and pay our debt to our Common Creator!

May all living beings be happy and free!
May we all continue to grow in goodness!
May we all continue to do good to all,
in all the ways we can, as long as we can.