The entire creation can be divided into two entities: matter and spirit.

Science calls it matter and energy; energy being the subtlest form of matter.

Einstein’s E=mc2 is an attempt to express matter in the form of energy.

Let’s use the two terms: 1) Consciousness and 2) Matter.

What is consciousness and what is its relation to matter?

  1. Consciousness is not a part, property or product of matter.
  2. Consciousness is non-material spiritual principle that pervades, enlivens, and harmonizes the entire universe, including our body. Just as electricity, though invisible, makes all electrical gadgets functional, even so invisible consciousness makes our body and the universe function in a harmonious manner.
  3. Consciousness is not limited by the boundaries or dimensions of any material object. It is all-pervading just like space. Because it is all-pervading, it is invisible.
  4. Consciousness is independent of matter. Even if the entire material universe disintegrates, consciousness continues to be.

This consciousness is called the Self or Ātmā. It is also called Brahman.

How many consciousnesses are there?

It is like asking, how many spaces are there?

One only!

This One only consciousness is who I am.

This all-pervading, one only consciousness is also the essence or substratum of the entire universe.

It is said that the knower of Self attains the Supreme: Brahma-vid āpnoti param (Taittiriya Upaniṣad 2.1.1)

To realize this is to be free.

Upaniṣads have one and only one goal: To teach about this Self, Ātmā. That is why they are also called Ātma-vidyā—Self-Knowledge.

Based on Swami Paramarthananda ji’s pravachan Tattvabodha Summary #4.