Self-Knowledge and Liberation

Just as in the presence of sunlight and space, all actions take place, but both the sunlight and the space remain unaffected by them, even so in the light of the Self, all actions take place while the Self (साक्षी चैतन्य, Witnessing-Consciousness Principle) remains unaffected (असंग).

When this knowledge becomes a living experience, one is freed from the noose of actions (and their binding effects) and attains liberation. This knowledge is called Self-knowledge, the only direct path to spiritual freedom. Sages tell us that this knowledge is not possible until our heart is pure and mind is free from likes and dislikes (राग-द्वेष).

All other spiritual practices purify the mind and prepare it to receive this knowledge.

Spiritual freedom is gift of Self-Knowledge alone.
The rest, as they say, is mere spiritual tourism!