Discovering the Truth of our Existence
Quotable Quotes and Stories
Love says “I am everything.” Wisdom says “I am nothing.” Between the two, my life flows. ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj |
In order to live a fulfilled life
— one brimming with Joy, Peace, Harmony and Love — let your life radiate these blessings! |
Watching the honey-bee [getting trapped in honey-combs]…one should take heed not to waste one’s precious time in accumulating the means (साधन इकठ्ठे करने में) but utilize it in knowing one’s own Self (स्वयं को जानने में). | “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Let yourself be inspired! Read more quotes, sayings and advice in these posts below.
Weathering these Uncertain Times with Stoic Calm
Pointers from the Buddhas of Humanity The tiny wave said it to the mighty Sea, "Can I be like you?" The Sea replied: "It is easy...Just settle down." ~Sri Ramana Maharshi These are uncertain times indeed; perhaps the toughest that humanity has ever experienced before...
GOT ENLIGHTENMENT? ASK SWĀMĪ GOOGLĀNANDĀ The Saga of Cut-and-Paste Spirituality! Internet has brought many boons--it has provided us with an easy access to information. We can search for almost anything on the net now. Through better connectivity, it has redefined...
TO MEDITATE OR NOT TO MEDITATE? THAT IS THE QUESTION! People resort to meditation for a variety of reasons. Some like to meditate just for fun, others for relaxation, while a few others meditate to go with the flow. Still some curious ones want to try myriad forms of...
Musings on Life and Living! Kindly find below some quotes, vignettes, and musings to uplift your spirit: [the wisdom-beads belong to others; I have only tried to supply the thread] Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.―...
Our Psychological Sleep! A modern man lives in sleep, in sleep he is born and in sleep he dies." ~Gurdjieff to Ouspenksi in In Search of the Miraculous Grace Notes: It may at first seem a bit harsh assessment of humans; but then how can one explain the wars,...
The Story of Two Ants* Once upon a time, two ants used to live on two different types of ant-hills. One used to live on a hill made of sugar crystals and the other used to live on a hill made of salt crystals. Let/s call them sugar-hill and salt-hill ant. From time to...
Spiritual Costs of Selfishness? A Rare Story! The psychological costs of self-centeredness are well documented in positive psychology literature, such as greater psychological distress (anxiety and depression), poor physical health (lower immune system and increased...
What is Truth? यह सच? या वो सच?
यह सच? या वो सच? Is this True? Or Was that True? In the Indian tradition, the philosopher-king Janaka of Videha is presented as a knower of the Self par excellence. In the great epic, Ramāyaṇa, he figures as the father of Sita-ji. In the Bhagavad Gītā (3.20), Sri...
Conversations with a Tree
~ Satinder Dhiman, Ph.D. Ed.D.
January 11, 2013
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