Discovering the Truth of our Existence

Zen-Tao Wisdom

Suzuki Roshi, a modern Zen Master, was once asked to sum up Buddhism in one sentence. His curt reply was: “Everything changes.”

Zen is about three things:

  • Everything changes.
  • Everything is connected.
  • Pay attention.


Zen teachings:

  1. Always remember you’re unique. Just like everyone else.
  2. Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
  3. Never let your education interfere with your learning.
  4. You aren’t learning much when your lips are moving.
  5. No appointment; no disappointment.

To know others is intelligence; to know yourself is wisdom. ~Lao Tzu

Space is Timeless!

Space is Timeless!

In a Zen story, a student approaches a teacher.   The teacher at the time was standing near a big bell, which looked quite ancient. The student asked, "How old is this bell?" The teacher said, "Perhaps 500 years." Then after a pause, and putting his both hands inside...

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Conversations with a Tree

~ Satinder Dhiman, Ph.D. Ed.D.
January 11, 2013

Today during morning walk, I paused near a wise old tree; It greeted me, as always, gently; Unassumingly with an inviting look!

I have heard it whisper, as I pass by it, everyday: “I produce oxygen; What do you?”

Today, there was urgency in its voice, As if it had lots of questions for me That needed to be addressed; As a matter of life and death!

Still kind in its manner, Gentle in its demeanor; Solemn in its voice, The tree continued….

Rain or sunshine, Extreme cold or hot; I bear my lot, patiently; Without complaining or comparing! Do you?

By way of my own care and concern, I need very little on a daily basis. Always making sure to contribute, More than I consume. Do you?

I offer my gifts of shade and shelter, Anonymously and generously; And my fruits and flowers, To all and sundry, selflessly! Do you?

I am content in being the way I am, Without needing to compare or compete; To outshine or be better than the next tree; In the mindless race called success! How about you?

I abide placidly in the Present; Without brooding over the past, Or pining for the future; Living fully in the Now, authentically! Do you?

On yearly basis at least, I renew myself: Letting go of the old leaves; To make room for the new ones! Do you?

I do not hate my fellow trees, Nor do I destroy my own kind. Merely because they are different, Or hold a different viewpoint! How about you?

My virtues are: Patience, Generosity, Acceptance, Forbearance, Caring, Compassion, Contribution, Usefulness, Selflessness, Sustainability, Self-renewal! What are yours?

With my drab, rough exterior, I stay nimble and pliant inside. Always ready to adapt and to cater: Whatever circumstances transpire! Do you?

I genuinely hold my head high, Upright in my humility and gratitude; Always glorifying my Creator, By serving selflessly Its Creation! Do you?

In life and in death, I stay valuable, making sure that Every part of me is somehow useful, For the sake of others! How about you?

My leaves, my stem, My roots, my bark; All parts of the Divine Exchange, You humans call Eco-System. How about yours?

Even when I die, I am of service to you; As firewood to keep your house warm, And to cook your supreme meal! Do you?

Above all, I have the Virtue of Eternal Silence, And never get bored with my own existence! How about you?

As I listened to this wise old tree, I kept wondering: What have I done to the Garden Entrusted to my care?!

~ Satinder Dhiman, Ph.D.; Ed.D. January 11, 2013.