Discovering the Truth of our Existence
Gandhi, the Millennium Man!
Was Gandhi “…the greatest human figure of the last nineteen hundred years?” as his most celebrated biographer, Louis Fischer, put it.
When Mahatma Gandhi was in London in 1931 to argue for India’s independence, a small girl started to ask him for his autograph. Then she drew back shyly before this strange little dhoti-clad man with a roughly mended coarse shawl over his shoulders and cheap wire-framed spectacles. She looked up at her mother and asked: “Mummy, is he really great?” ~Cited in Yogesh Chadha, Gandhi: A Life (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997), 1.
Gandhi’s greatness lies in stirring the conscience of humanity, in demonstrating the power of spirit over material things, in turning his moral searchlight inward, and in extending the gospel of love and peace from personal level to the social arena.
If we want to bring about any change in the world, we have to begin with ourselves. We have to be the change that we wish to see in the world. This was Gandhi’s most important discovery and his greatest gift to humankind.
INDIA: REALIZING ITS DREAM OF VISHVA-GURU (विश्व-गुरु) India is now officially the world’s fastest growing economy. Economic growth is incomplete and unsustainable if it is not rooted in strong moral character and spiritual awakening of our people. We cannot become...
The Sandals that Made History
Here is a sterling example how Gandhi was able to transform his arch opponent, General Smuts, during his time in South Africa. His work there finished, Gandhi left South Africa with his family in July 1914. Before he departed, he sent General Smuts a pair of sandals...
The Magic of Gandhi
Gandhi’s advice to a fellow seeker, given five months before his death: I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may...
Conversations with a Tree
~ Satinder Dhiman, Ph.D. Ed.D.
January 11, 2013
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