Meenakshi Temple, Madurai


If you want to build the civilization of a nation, there are 3 ways:

1. Uphold its family structure
2. Uphold its education traditions
3. Uphold its role models and raise its reference point

1. To uphold the family: honor the role of Mother as a culture-carrier and home-maker.
2. To uphold the education: honor Teachers, and raise their place in society so that the seekers love and respect them.
3. To uphold the role models: honor the Sages and Seers, the Poets, the Scientists and Scholars, esteem their opinion, listens to them and follows them.

If you want to destroy the civilization of a nation, there are also 3 ways:

1. Destroy family structure
2. Destroy education
3. Lower their role models and reference points

  1. To destroy the family, undermine the role of Mother, so that she feels ashamed of being a home-maker.
  2. To destroy education: you should give no importance to Teachers, and lower their place in society so that the students despise them.
  3.  To lower the role models: you should undermine the seers and sages, doubt them until no one listens to them or follows them

Let’s build than destory, for our precious human birth is meant to bring people together and not to cause separations.

Sings Jalaalu’ddin Rumi:

तू बरा-ए-वसल करदन आमदी
न बारे-ए-फसल करदन आमदी ~मौलाना जलालुदीन रूमी

You have come to build and bring people together,
Not to destroy and cause separations!