If you travel in Kerala, you will find Narayana Guru’s statues everywhere. He led a reform movement in Kerala, rejected casteism, and promoted new values of spiritual freedom, humanity, and social equality. Although better known as a social reformer, Narayana Guru was an original thinker of Advaita Vedanta and a poet of highest caliber. He composed Vedanta Sutras, a format that has not been tried again as originally presented by Badarayana in Brahma-Sutras. Many believe that Badarayana and Veda Vyasa was the same person.

The spiritual tradition founded by Narayana Guru continues till today, with Muni Narayana Prasad, who is the disciple of Nataraja Guru and Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati.

The following is a brief excerpt based on a blessed meeting with Muni Narayana Prasad that took place on the evening of December 22, 2015:

Q: Can a Self-Realized person be non-vegetarian?

Muni: A Self-Realized person sees his or her own very self in others. Therefore s/he cannot harm others, since that will be harming one’s own self.  Hence, the value of ahimsa.

Q: So, it cannot be otherwise?

Muni: Yes! It is so.

Q:  What is the ultimate thing in Vedanta?

Muni: Well, there is no ultimate thing as such. It is just this: Know Yourself. Naryana Guru once asked Nataraja Guru, “What is the final understanding in Vedanta?” and added, immediately: “It is wave-ocean-water. Wave is non-different from ocean. It is the ocean. And both wave and ocean are water only. This is all you need to know about Vedanta!”

Q: What is the best advice you can give to a seeker?

Muni: Nataraja Guru once told me, “Do not press any buttons.” In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is reported to have said, “Be passersby.” This is the best overall advice.

There was certain sense of blessed detachment (अनासक्ति) that was clearly evident in Swamiji’s demenaor born of years of contemplative practice and living the non-dual wisdom of Vedanta.

He seems to be established in a state of inward calm that looked completely natural and effortless–sahaja-avastha (सहज अवस्था). His actions seemed to be the spontaneous actions of Totality!

There was no trace of willful volition that constantly torments a common person.

I came away inspired.

As i was walking back, the following verse took over my whole being:

संत बिसुद्ध मिलहिं परि तेही।
चितवहिं राम कृपा करि जेही।।
~तुलसी दास 
उत्तर काण्ड / भाग २

It only when God showers special Grace (by actually looking at a person–चितवहिं)
that one meets purest of the saints!