Unique Wisdom of Sharnānandjī Mahārāj
भारत की पावन भूमि पर ऐसे संत भी हुए हैं….
It so happens that the Nirvāna-divas of Swamiji and Christmas falls on the same day!
Once, Swāmījī Sharnānandjī was sitting in a train compartment. A Christian priest also came and sat there. After a while, he asked Swāmījī if he knew Jesus Christ. Swāmījī replied calmly, “Yes, I do know Jesus.” The priest asked Swāmījī again what he knew about Jesus. Hearing this question, Swāmījī replied with great pleasure and confidence: “Dear Brother, Jesus is the son of God and I am God’s friend; Jesus is thus my real nephew. I know him very well; Jesus is very dear to me.”
That an Indian sann’yāsin clad in orange robe will consider Jesus as his very kith and kin in spirit—the priest could have never even imagined for such relationship. He was stunned to hear Swāmījī’s reply. He had never heard such an expansive view of God’s relationship under the Hindu system which could embrace the spirit of all religions in its wake. But come to think about how true Swāmījī’s viewpoint is.
In reality, there cannot be any difference of opinion among religions in theism. For theism is such an all-pervasive truth of human life that the differences of temple, mosque, and church cannot possibly create divisions in it. A person who engages in religious warfare while being a theist is actually a big atheist.
Because the true meaning of theism lies in acknowledging a spiritual relationship with God!
नाचीज़ को इस प्रज्ञा चक्षु, क्रांतिकारी संत की वाणी इंग्लिश में ट्रांसलेट करने का शरफ़ हासिल हुआ…
English translation of 5 books are available for free pdf download at:
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