Conversations with a Tree!

Today during morning walk,

I paused near a wise old tree;

It greeted me, as always, gently;

Unassumingly with an inviting look!

I have heard it whisper,

as I pass by it, everyday:

“I produce oxygen;

What do you?”

Today, there was urgency in its voice,

As if it had lots of questions for me;

That needed to be addressed;

As a matter of life and death!

Still kind in its manner,

Gentle in its demeanor;

Solemn in its voice,

The tree continued….

Rain or sunshine,

Extreme cold or hot;

I bear my lot, patiently;

Without complaining or comparing!

Do you?

By way of my own care and concern,

I need very little on a daily basis.

Always making sure to contribute,

More than I consume.

Do you?

I offer my gifts of shade and shelter,

Anonymously and generously;

And my fruits and flowers,

To all and sundry, selflessly!

Do you?

I am content in being the way I am,

Without needing to compare or compete;

To outshine or be better than the next tree;

In the mindless race called success!

How about you?

I abide placidly in the present;

Without brooding over the past,

Or pining for the future;

Living fully in the Now, authentically!

Do you?

On a yearly basis at least,

I renew myself:

Letting go of the old leaves;

To make room for the new ones!

Do you?

I do not hate my fellow trees,

Nor do I destroy my own kind.

Merely because they are different,

Or hold a different viewpoint!

How about you?

My virtues are: Patience, Generosity,

Acceptance, Forbearance, Caring,

Compassion, Contribution, Usefulness,

Selflessness, Sustainability, Self-renewal!

What are yours?

With my drab, rough exterior,

I stay nimble and pliant inside.

Always ready to adapt and to cater:

Whatever circumstances transpire!

Do you?

I genuinely hold my head high,

Upright in my humility and gratitude;

Always glorifying my Creator,

By serving selflessly Its Creation!

Do you?

In life and in death,

I stay valuable, making sure that

Every part of me is somehow useful,

For the sake of others!

How about you?

My leaves, my stem,

My roots, my bark;

All parts of the Divine Exchange,

You humans call Eco-System.

How about yours?

Even when I die,

I am of service to you;

As firewood to keep your house warm,

And to cook your supreme meal!

Do you?

Above all, I have the

Virtue of Eternal Silence,

And never get bored

with my own existence!

How about you?

As I listened to this wise old tree,

I kept wondering:

What have I done to the Garden

Entrusted to my care?!

                                                               ~satinder dhiman, Jan 1, 2013