The Latin phrase ‘Carpe Diem‘ means
“seize the day” or “enjoy the moment.”

It really means enjoy the day today.
Live a meaningful life today, and do not worry.
No need to worry when you find joy and
contentment through meaning and purpose.

There is no meaning in being confined to one’s
‘skin-encapsulated ego,’
to use an expression by Alan Watts.

Live a life of contribution~
a life of value, and not of valuables,
a life of belonging not belongings.

Become a contributor, not just a consumer.
Make your life an offering to the Whole!
Become a Servant Leader.
Live such life today, and every day.

Accept your life as Lord’s Grace,
Īśhvara’s anugraha.
When you milk a cow
You either get milk or you get a kick.
Īśvara’s grace is required for the milk.

It is all grace after grace after grace.
May Īśhvara’s anugraha
Always shine brightly on us all!